The Difference of a Millimeter When it Comes to Endometrium in IVF
Even I had no clue how much “trying again the next cycle” would entail. Well, first, I thought going the donor egg route would make things easier. I thought there would be little to no drugs involved. But you still have to prepare your uterus for the embryo; and since we don’t seem to know how my endometrial lining works, we’ve had to try different things.
After my chemical pregnancy last month, we decided to try again straight away. So just a few days after I stopped taking estrogen, I started again; this time on a higher dose. On cycle day 14, I had a first lining check, giving it a few extra days to thicken. Lo and behold, it was THINNER than last time by a full millimeter! Completely distraught, the clinic told me to have patience - last time it thickened in the end. We added an extra pill (now SIX per day) plus a twice weekly estrogen patch (my idea) and instructions to check again in about a week.
Three months later (in my mind, but actually nine days :p ), I left my Swedish class early to take the train to a clinic in Kungsbacka. I’d decided to try a new place in case my other place sucks at measuring linings. I mean, who knows?
The new doctor said, “6mm or so. It looks like it is thickening up nicely!”
I gritted my teeth, “6mm exactly?”
“Wait, somewhere between 6 and 7mm. Which is okay.”
I breathed out a little. 7mm, at the minimum, is preferable.
The doctor squinted. “Actually, it is 8mm where it matters the most. So, yes, I feel comfortable writing down 8mm.”
A bit of a confusing conversation, but since 8mm is pretty much the maximum thickness my lining has ever been, that was very good news! It’s amazing what a difference one or two millimeters can make. Alexis and I were really thinking this cycle was game over.
But I’ve started progesterone (which is always the next step), we got our travel plans in order, and will return to Finland on Sunday! Transfer number 2 of one of our five remaining embryos is scheduled for Monday.
I’m scared as hell. Mostly for my sanity if this doesn’t work. Alexis tells me I say that every time, though, and somehow, I make it.